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FAQs about COVID-19 and the Compass Catholic Community Response jan.png

Compass and COVID-19 - January 2023 Update


Download FAQs PDF

What’s the go with COVID now?

COVID is still continuing to affect our community, and it is still really important to keep our community safe!

I feel sick with flu like symptoms. What should I do?

If you don’t feel well and have a runny nose, a fever, a cough, a sore throat, loss of smell or taste, please don’t come to school. Let us know that you are not well, and get a test.

If you have acute symptoms like this, you must stay homeuntil you feel better, whether you have COVID or not.

If you are positive,let us know straight away. If you need anything while you areat home recovering, let us know so we can provide support.

What should I do if I have been told that I am a Close Contact for someone I live with?

You no longer have to quarantine. If you feel well, you can come to school. You might want to consider wearing a mask to protectothers.

If you start to feel sick, get a test and stay home til you feel better.

What if there are cases at Compass?

Please know that Compass continues to work closely with SA Health, and in instances where there are 5 or more COVID-19 cases in the school at the same time, we will activate the Catholic Education South Australia Outbreak Management Plan for COVID-19 and communicate with you at that time.

We will encourage you to monitor yourself for symptoms.

What if I don’t want to/am scared to/am worried to come into Compass?

Our Learning Supporters and your Learning Facilitator will be in touch with you to provide you with whatever support we can. However, as teachers will be engaged in face to face teaching on site, they will not be readily available to support students who are absent from school.Have a chat with us about how we can best support you.

Do I have to wear a mask on site?

It is not compulsory to wear a mask at school. If you want to wear a mask, you are very welcome to.

If we have a lot of cases at Compass, it may be that we have to wear masks for a period of time. We will communicate this to you if this has to happen.

Are we going to remote learning/learning from home?

This is not the plan. We will offer face to face learning, and Compass will stay open unless we are told to close. We will keep you updated always. It may be that your Learning Facilitator is unwell, and in this case, we will provide you with other assistance with your learning from school.

Do I have to be vaccinated to come to Compass?

No, you don’t have to be, but we would really encourage you to consider being vaccinated. All our staff are fully vaccinated, and SA Health tell us that it is the best way to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community.

You can book to get a vaccine here If you need any help or assistance to get vaccinated, please contact us on 0498 141 231 and we would love to help you.

How clean will Compass be?

Compass will be cleaned every evening by professional cleaners, ready for the next day. We will have hand sanitiser available for everyone and free face masks also available.

I’ve had COVID. Can I still come to Compass?

Yes! Once you are feeling well, you are able to return to Compass. Check in with your Learning Facilitator if you have any questions.

Can we still go Off Site for learning activities?

Yes! We are still allowed to go on our LDOS’ (Learning Direction Off Site) in a COVID safe way.

Will the Early Years Hub remain open?

Yes, it will be. We will have the same plans in there to deal with any COVID cases. Any questions about the Early Years Hub, feel free to speak with Kelly Copeland, our Early Years Coordinator.

I have more questions!

Never hesitate! Please contact Compass directly on 0498 141 231 either by voice or by text, or send us an email at No question is too small or strange - please reach out.